Special Meeting of Members | By-Laws
The St. John’s Board of Trade and the Newfoundland and Labrador Employers' Council (NLEC) are looking forward to finalizing our merger. We are excited to move forward as one stronger, more effective, member-focused organization dedicated to representing the provincial business community.
Together with our boards of directors, we have amended our bylaws to ensure the combined organization adheres to governance best-practices. This notice letter explains the most significant of the changes that the Board of Trade is proposing for vote at a special meeting on July 9th, 2024.
Click here to review the letter and by-laws
Voting Procedure:
The Board of Directors is proud to present the amended bylaws of the Board of Trade to the Membership for a special meeting scheduled for July 9th, 2024, at 1:00 p.m.
- Any member in good standing with the Board of Trade is eligible to attend and vote at the special meeting.
- Each member company can only submit one vote.
- The special meeting will take place virtually. A Zoom link will be provided in your registration confirmation email.
- Votes will be cast via the Election Buddy platform. When registering for the meeting you will be asked to provide your name, company name and cell phone number. During the special meeting, ballots will be distributed via text and votes can be cast in real time.
- Members must register for the special meeting to attend.

Date and Time
Tuesday Jul 9, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM NDT
Zoom link will be provided
Contact Information
Chris Kane
Send Email