Business resiliency during turbulent times: A conversation with Dragons' Den co-star Manjit Minhas
Join Ceridian and Kayla Isabelle, Executive Director of Startup Canada for an exclusive conversation with MANJIT MINHAS, Founder of the 10th largest brewery in the world and co-star of CBC’s Dragons’ Den. Gain insight into staying resilient during a pandemic, key lessons learned on running a business during turbulent times, and how small business owners can maintain perspective.
As a judge on CBC’s Dragons’ Den, MANJIT MINHAS shares business lessons with equal parts force and finesse. An entrepreneur herself, Minhas runs the 10th largest brewery in the world—worth a whopping $187 million. Her unprecedented success in a male-dominated field demolished stereotypes, surprised competitors, and cleared a path for others of every age and gender. In talks, she distills the hands-on lessons of her success, showing audiences how they can embrace change, defy expectations, and incentivize disruption.
During this session, Manjit will share:
- How the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted her both personally and professionally
- Why she decided to leverage her distillery operations to produce hand sanitizer full-time
- Top lessons learned so far running a business during these turbulent times
- Advice she would give to other business owners on how to forge ahead and stay focused
Date and Time
Wednesday May 13, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM NDT