7 Remarkable Business Pivots during COVID-19. Should you be pivoting?
Just like getting a bad stress test from the doctor – some people only change when they are forced to ... COVID-19 was like a bad stress test given to millions of businesses almost overnight.
Some leaders (lots of local examples) responded with imagination, courage and serious speed to pivot and adapt on-the-fly. Then there are those leaders who continue to deny the new reality and simply hope the world and their customers will just magically fit their business model once again.
Which camp are you finding yourself in? Somewhere in-between? Stuck in neutral? Need a push?
There’s always inspiration in hearing real-life examples of great pivots – some local, some global – of SMALL businesses with BIG Imaginations that have pivoted successfully and executed wonderfully. I will share seven examples quickly in the first 15 minutes or so ... to get us inspired and get your positive energy back to the surface. Oh, and lets call out one of my pet peeves when I invest an hour of my life in these kind of sessions. Hearing about case studies that aren’t relatable! Sharing pivots by Nike, 3M, Bauer and Apple isn’t going to feel helpful. They have consultants, R&D teams, and tons of capital – Small businesses don’t have that privilege. Expect relatable examples from restaurants, vets, daycares , hair salons, tutors and even event companies.
We will also cover the obvious warning signs your company will need to pivot (the reality check) and the three most important questions to get the Pivot conversation started inside your company. And somehow we’ll find time for a Q and A to talk it out together.
That’s the 60 minute battle plan unless you have something more important to talk about for your business on this day!
Date and Time
Wednesday May 20, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM NDT
Zoom - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89141971275